Pricing Insights for UK Insurance Markets

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80%* of top insurer brands are using our insights,

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Daily analysis for smart, flexible pricing decisions

Price is the overriding priority for most insurance consumers, which means clarity and adaptability are essential components of a successful pricing strategy. We provide daily insights into your performance and quotability against key competitors, enabling you to respond instantly to movements in the market.

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Insurance Markets We Serve:

Our Methodology for Accurate Price Comparison Results

We run real consumer risk profiles through the top four comparison websites to ensure that returned prices are genuine. We also use rotation processes to maintain good levels of accuracy and conduct on-going analyses, outlier removal and data cleansing.

This helps to make sure that observed price movements are not affected by the collection process, velocity rules, anti-fraud measures, or other pricing anomalies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you allowed to collect pricing information from the websites?

We only collect prices where we have explicit permission and agreements to do so.  Web-scraping without consent would break website terms and could result in costly legal proceedings.

Do you use real customer details?

Yes, all our quotes use real customer details.  Due to increasing use of data enrichment and individual pricing, using ‘fake’ profiles could result in spurious prices being returned.

What does the subscription include other than the dashboard?

We collaborate with you to create a comprehensive set of reports that meet the specific needs of your organisation, including strategic market monitoring, critical market insight, tracked competitors and issue resolution. We also offer monthly catch-up calls, providing a summary of the market over the last month, including market movements and interesting insights.

What is the methodology of collection?

Average of 450 comparable risks are run daily for Motor and 220 for Home . 

Each risk is run on 5 consecutive days using a rotation process to maintain good level of accuracy. This helps to make sure that observed price movements are not affected by the collection process, velocity rules, anti-fraud measures, or other pricing anomalies.

Prices are collected from all 4 PCWs.

Published on Tableau dashboards. raw data files, and daily, weekly and monthly insight reports.

Are the quotes accurate?


Our data collection process is fully automated with minimal human intervention.

We are in regular contact with all four PCWs and have their consent to collect prices from them.

A robust quality assurance system ensures that all prices compared for an individual are on a like for like basis.

Is the data representative?

We regularly compare our risk cohorts against recent quote mix data supplied by PCW partners and use that to drive future recruitment of our new individuals.

This keeps us as close as possible to the ever-changing market, allowing us to stay as representative as possible.

Get in touch

Our Insurance insights team is led by Stephen Kennedy. He was Head of Pricing at Hastings Insurance Group from 2009 to 2017. Stephen led them through a period of significant change with regards to pricing strategy, bringing in new techniques from outside the insurance sector. As a consultant with Pearson Ham, he has worked with some of the UK’s leading insurers across the motor, home, pet and travel insurance markets. He has also led on work including price optimisation, pricing reviews and pricing capability development. 

To find out more about how our Insurance Pricing Insights can help your business – get in touch with Stephen Kennedy today

Email Stephen Kennedy

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“We’ve found the Pricing Insights service to be a valuable tool in understanding the rapidly changing competitive environment of the UK motor market.  Being able to isolate the rate movements made by our competitors and understand short, medium and long-term trends using a clean, mix-adjusted, view has given us additional insight that has helped us to quickly answer questions on trading performance and given us greater confidence in our pricing decisions.”  

Christopher Phillimore, Head of Insurance Pricing, The AA

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*Based on 8 of the top 10 brands appearing in the most competitive 3 positions across the 4 main UK price comparison websites, from Pearson Ham Group’s car insurance consumer panel data between Dec 22 & Feb 23

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